Sunday, November 1, 2009

Third Birthday!!

This weekend we celebrated Joshua's third birthday! Its hard to believe he isn't a baby anymore! We were so glad to have both sets of his grandparents & his great-grandparents at our house Saturday to celebrate. Here are some pics from his big day:

A rare picture of him actually smiling! He was making a serious face & then smiling after the picture. With 3 cameras flashing, we were able to get one of a smile!

Getting ready for the cake. Unfortunately, Joshua decided he didn't want his cake but ate animal crackers instead....oh well!

This was my attempt at a Clifford cake. My practice cake had actually looked better than the real thing.

With his talking Super Why toy.

A set of Clifford books.

Signing Time DVD.....he recognizes Rachel on the front!

Petting his new moose. When I asked him what it was, he signed "bunny".

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