Saturday, November 7, 2009

His Horse

I was out with Joshua earlier this week & we saw this horse...he went nuts when he saw it & had to pet all of them. I told John about it. We ended up going back today & buying it for him. It is huge! It is 39" tall...only 2-3 inches shorter than Joshua. It wouldn't even fit in the shopping cart completely. We had the back end of it hanging out of the cart. Joshua kept reaching behind him to pet it. I told John that we were causing quite a scene walking through the store with that huge horse. Everyone smiled; little kids would stop to gaze. So, now we have a 39" tall horse standing in our living room. It neighs when you squeeze its ear & sounds like a horse walking. Joshua loves it!

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1 comment:

CeCe said...

Yea! Joshua FINALLY has a horse!!