Thursday, February 12, 2009

How He's Been

Sorry its been so long since I posted anything. Pictures are hard to get these days....unless you just want to see a streak running across the picture. Joshua is either running full speed or sleeping - there doesn't seem to be an in between. That pretty much matches his moods though; he is either really happy or really in between. We have been doing very well lately. Joshua has adjusted to his new medication. We have seen some improvement in the frequency & intensity of his tantrums, which is a huge blessing. It really makes life so much less stressful. We are still waiting to see how effective the new seizure medication is. So far, it seems to be helping, but his doctor says we are just waiting to see if he develops a tolerance to it quickly or not. He did have another EEG a week or so ago with pretty much the same results as before. There is a regular pattern of abnormal electrical activity in the back part of his brain. The doctor is pretty sure that is where the seizures are occurring, but can't be certain, as Joshua didn't have a seizure during the EEG. The doctor told us there is still a good chance Joshua will outgrow the seizures, that the internal systems in the back of his brain should continue to develop (that is the under developed area), and that he should make progress in the areas where he is having delays. We are praying for all of those things to happen. The lab work for Joshua's genetic testing has been sent off, so now we just wait. It will take a few months to get all of the results back. I'll try to post a picture of Joshua with his race medal later. He had a great time at his little race today & all of the kids were so cute!

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