Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Allergy Testing

We had allergy testing done this morning to see if Joshua is allergic to fish....he isn't. He isn't allergic to anything they tested him for. The doctor did say that Joshua's episodes sound like a reaction to a yellow dye that is in alot of foods....including the breading of fish sticks. If this is the case, we don't have to change anything but may limit the amounts of these types of foods that he eats in a day. We really have run into some crazy stuff with our little one! His pediatrician also thinks he may have developed an allergy to the gel that is found in diapers! So, we are trying out chlorine free diapers to see if it helps. My luck, it will & I will be stuck using the most expensive diapers on the market until he is potty trained....which won't be any time soon since he isn't walking! He is making good progress towards walking though. Yesterday he let go of objects that he was holding on to & walked a few steps on his own to get to something else. This was a new thing...he usually will only let go if he is going to a person & only after you encourage him to do it. He's so funny...he starts laughing when he realizes he is walking by himself.

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