Saturday, March 31, 2012

19 months

My mom made this for my brother when he was 2 & my dad was in the Air Force. She found it & wanted to see if it fit Timothy. How cute is that?

Belle loves to snuggle with Timothy while he sleeps!

I still haven't been taking pictures like I should! I was sick last week with a really bad sinus infection. This cold/allergy season has really hit us hard! At least one of us is sick on any given day it seems. Timothy has yet another double ear infection. He has had 5 in the past 4 months, so we will probably be talking about tubes very soon. He doesn't let it bother him too much though. I think it really affects his appetite though. He finally hit 24 pounds a couple of weeks ago! He continues to be quite the little entertainer. He still imitates everything...words, actions, whatever. We realized that he already knows most of his letters & numbers (not a surprise if you have been around Joshua, who is obsessed with letters & numbers). I think the cutest thing that he currently says is "kitty cup" instead of kitty cat. He has also learned how to throw a real tantrum. I guess we are officially in the "terrible twos"....though his terrible isn't usually too bad!

1 comment:

CeCe said...

Not sure about that tantrum part! The only time I see him without that twinkle in his eye is when he is sleeping!!