Saturday, February 11, 2012

An Update on the Boys

For some reason, my pictures never upload the way I expect them too. Oh well. Here is a picture of Joshua's room with the Super Readers painted on the wall. You may recall that I started this project while I was pregnant with Timothy! I was intending to have it complete before Timothy was born. So much for that! Anyway, I never got a completed picture on here, and, sadly, they had to be painted over to get our house ready to sell. We also had to rearrange the furniture, which meant taking down the headboard to still see the Super Readers.

This isn't a great picture of Joshua, but I can't seem to get a decent picture of him. He has really been talking a lot lately. In this picture he is saying the Pledge of Allegiance. He can say the whole thing from memory. He says it one phrase at a time & waits for you to repeat it. Many of the words aren't clear but we know what he is saying. He also "reads" some of his favorite books out loud to himself. This child remembers everything & repeats the most random things (phrases from commercials). We are still so thrilled that he is talking & getting more clear with his speech.

Timothy is doing amazing. He is quite the chatterbox. He repeats whatever he hears too. He has also started hiding. I'll turn around & can't find him anywhere. After a few minutes I will find him hiding in the corner behind a chair or something. He also likes to crawl in to small you can see from the above picture. He still seems so small to me. I guess because he is so much smaller than Joshua was at this age. He is definitely at the age where he is torn between being a baby & a toddler. I mean, he screams like he is physically in pain if I leave the room for a second. But, if I am carrying him somewhere he will say "I walk" & try to wiggle out of my arms. I'm glad there is still some baby in there. I will miss that in a few months we he decides to be a big boy all of the time. He is also very affectionate. When I have him in the shopping cart at a store, he will reach out & say "hug"; and he started saying "wuv woo" (love you). He will repeat it if you say it, but he will also randomly say it. So sweet!

One more picture of the Super Readers.

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