Monday, January 9, 2012

Goals for 2012

I thought maybe if I actually post my goals out here then I would be more likely to follow through. We'll see :)

1. Exercise 3 times per week (moving to 5 times in a few months)....not done well at this so far! However I just tried on several pairs of pre-baby pants (donating a bunch of stuff this week) & boy did that motivate me! I was on the elliptical right after that....too bad Timothy woke up from his nap 15 minutes later.

2. Eat more fruits & veggies. We do ok on fruits but none of us are big veggie fans. I just ordered a juicer so hopefully that will help some.

3. Read at least 12 books this year. Since having kids I really haven't spent much time reading (except to them). I have really missed it!

4. Do more outdoor activities with the boys. I have Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Outside and Connect with Your Kids.

5. Try at least one new recipe each week. I will try to remember to post here. I realized I had all of these recipes saved but I never look at them.

6. Open an Etsy shop (finally).

We shall see how it goes!!

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