Friday, March 18, 2011

Seven Months!

This little guy is growing up way too fast! I can't believe he is already 7 months old! He is so much fun! He has been such a good baby. I realized in the last week or 2 that he really had me spoiled! He has been a great sleeper from the beginning...sleeping through the night by 6 weeks, and was up to sleeping 10-12 hours a night. Then something happened between 1-2 weeks ago & he decided to start waking up multiple times a night needing to be held. I think it has something to do with his newly developed mommy attachment! I really don't think Joshua was ever this attached to me. Timothy cries sometimes if someone else is holding him. John was getting him from me one night so I could cook dinner & he grabbed on to my hair. He cries if I'm not holding him. He has gotten a little better the last few days, and is sleeping better (only waking up once most nights & that is usually in the early morning). As you will see in the pictures below, he has now mastered sitting up. He has been sitting up for over a month, but early on he could only do it for a few minutes & would still tip over if he turned to look at something or reached for something. Now he sits all the time & hasn't tipped over in several days! He has also come to enjoy the pack-n-play (I am afraid to leave him in the floor if I'm not beside him because Joshua is clumsy & is likely to fall on top of him, or step on him!). He really is doing great, and we enjoy every second!

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