Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome Baby Timothy!

Baby Timothy arrived Wednesday, August 18th at 2:47 pm weighing 9lbs 4oz & measuring 21.5 inches! He is absolutely precious!

Big Brother wasn't quite so sure about him....this is the best picture we got with both of them!

Daddy with his new little guy.

Sweet baby is finally home!

He has a lot more hair than Joshua did!

Timothy's arrival seems to have fit well with the way things usually go for our family. Labor & delivery went very well with no problems. We got into our room just before dinner time. John brought Joshua up to meet Timothy....not the best first meeting but we expected that. Timothy & I had a good time together Wednesday evening & early Thursday morning. He went to the nursery for his check by our pediatrician's office. The pediatrician told me he looked great & would be going home the next day. The nurse came in about an hour later & told me that Timothy had had a choking episode in the nursery & his oxygen level had gone down but they brought it up & were waiting to talk to the pediatrician again so they were keeping him in the nursery. About an hour after that, a nurse came in with Timothy in an incubator & told me they were taking him to NICU for observation & antibiotics and that he wouldn't be able to come home with me on Friday. So, less than 24 hours after delivery, I was up getting ready & headed down to NICU to spend time with my baby. I spent most of the rest of my stay there, only eating & sleeping in my room. I was discharged Friday evening & had to come home without Timothy, who was still in NICU to complete 3 days of observation & waiting for blood cultures which take 3 days. John & I went back to the hospital to visit Timothy Friday night after getting Joshua to bed. I got in bed around midnight Friday only to be awakened at 2:00 by Joshua with a stomach bug. So, I was up for a few hours changing sheets, doing laundry so there were more clean sheets, & offering Pedialyte. John stayed upstairs with Joshua so I could try to get some sleep & try to avoid catching the bug. I called my parents at 4:45 & got them to come up to help John so I could rest. Joshua of course didn't keep his seizure meds down Saturday morning, so I spent a couple of hours contacting a neurologist & pediatrician to work out a way to get him to keep his meds down (which he did a couple of hours later). I ended up leaving at lunchtime & checking in to the hospital hotel so that I was less likely to get sick & pass it along. I spent the entire day in NICU with Timothy, which was nice. I also spent most of the day today with him since he didn't get discharged until around 4:00 today. While I was gone, Joshua began running a fever, which is always stressful since it puts him at a higher risk for a seizure, especially since he had gotten his meds late that morning. Luckily he did not have a seizure Saturday night, and his fever seems to be gone. We are finally all home together. Joshua still seems to be a bit under the weather but we are hoping he is better tomorrow. We are thankful for everyone who was praying for us through this time!
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Angie Davis said...

wow, first of all, congratulations! he is seriously beautiful. but so sorry to hear about the rest! will pray for you guys now...

jessica said...

oh my goodness! Y'all have had a crazy time! Congrats on Timothy (so cute!) and i will be praying that y'all have PEACE soon!