Monday, May 18, 2009

Re-thinking the Yoga Socks

Have we ever mentioned that Joshua is rough on things? Apparently the average user of yoga socks is not quite as rough as a two and a half year old boy. The socks were great for keeping him from slipping on our hardwoods, but by the end of the first day, he had worn most of the tread off. We were good for two days...since he only used one sock at a time. However, by this morning we had to find something else, since I couldn't spend my entire day upstairs where the floors are carpeted.

Above is our first attempt today...non-slip shelf liner attached with sports tape. We really thought this would work, and it did....for about 10 minutes. Then pieces started wearing off. I was not thrilled with the idea of replacing this multiple times in an hour for 2 weeks. So, at 8:01 (literally) I was on the phone with the ortho clinic to find out what we could do. They seemed surprised that we had not been given a cast shoe. I didn't even know those existed, but they make perfect sense. So before 9:00 we were on our way to pick up a toddler cast shoe (still wearing his pajamas...we were in a hurry because he had therapists coming to the house at 10:00).

Here he is with the cast shoe. It is perfect! He doesn't even try to take it off, which is amazing because he always wants to take his shoes & socks off. So, if your child ever has to have a cast on their foot, be sure to get a cast shoe before you go home!
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