Saturday, April 12, 2008

It's been awhile....

We were all sick for about a week with a nasty stomach virus, and other than that, life has just been hectic. I guess we haven't really had anything exciting to take pictures of lately, but I thought I had better post something soon! Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks.

Joshua with his Easter basket. I got sick later in the day on Easter, so there aren't any other Easter pictures this year!

Joshua got sick a couple of days after me & would only eat Wheat Thins and similar foods for about a week. John got sick a few days after Joshua. He started feeling better quickly & the only thing he wanted to eat for lunch the next day was a chicken nugget happy meal. So, he & Joshua enjoyed the toys from the happy meals....Pirates of the Caribbean bandanas.

One of our favorite things to do lately....stand in the front window.

He finally figured out the most efficient way to carry things while crawling (no, he still isn't walking on his own).
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