Timothy is 9 months old! I can't believe it! And boy is he going to keep me busy! He is happy, curious, and hilarious! He started "crawling" the day before he turned 9 months old. Its more of a scoot-crawl than an actual crawl...so funny to watch but it gets him around. He is getting faster at it & is now venturing from room to room. He is back to a major attachment to mommy & screams as soon as I am out of sight--even if I step behind him. Now he crawls after me crying. Its so sad! But it is nice to be loved so much!
He is so active that he hardly gained any weight since his 6 month check up. At 9 months, he weighs 21 lbs 10oz & is 29.25 inches long. I feel like he is so little....in case you don't recall, Joshua was 27 lbs at 9 months! Poor guy has had one cold/virus after another since Christmas I think, so his appetite has been a bit lacking but it seems to be returning! He ate more baby food tonight than I think he ever has. If only we could get that gag reflex under control! When he is all congested, it is worse & he gags hard enough to throw up. Hopefully the weather will stop changing so much & we can be done with colds & congestion for a while!